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The ‘Connected Curriculum’ at Crown Meadow First School and Nursery is designed to provide a broad and balanced education that meets the needs of all children. Based on the 2014 National Curriculum, it provides opportunities for children to develop as independent, confident and successful learners, with high aspirations, who know how to make a positive contribution to their local community and the wider society.


We use CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) as a base curriculum for Art, Design Technology, English including Vocabulary, Geography, History, Music, Reading and Science. Written by Alex Bedford, Unity SP’s Primary Adviser, CUSP is: Connected, Cumulative and Coherent.


Our curriculum is predominantly based on CUSP, a rich, evidence-based and aspirational curriculum from Unity Schools Partnership, but we also supplement and personalise it to meet the specific needs of our children. Including using:


  • British Values using The British Values Programme’
  • PHSE using ‘The Story Project’
  • Phonics using Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS)
  • Spelling using The Spelling Shed
  • P.E. using Get Set for PE
  • R.E. using the Worcestershire Agreed Syllabus


Specific skills are discreetly taught and practised so that they become transferrable. The sequenced curriculum activates prior learning, builds on skills and deepens knowledge AND understanding.


Our ‘Connected Curriculum’ ensures that academic development, community enrichment and wellness are key elements that support the development of our children and promote a positive attitude to learning.


CMFS’s five school values (Respect, Resilience, Creativity, Teamwork and Independence) together with our three school rules principles (Be Safe, Be Ready, Be Respectful) ensure that children are confident partners in their own learning and embrace challenge.



Together we: Dream, believe, achieve and succeed
