Welcome to Year 2!
Please have a look around our page.
It has lots of information about our amazing learning in Year 2.
From Mrs Bennett and Miss Stocks (Mrs Wilkins - maternity)
2HW - Miss Stocks (Mrs Wilkins - maternity)
2RB - Mrs Bennett
The Teaching Assistants across Year 2 are Mrs Rees, Miss Bisso, Mrs Brookes and Mrs Palmer.
Padlet Learning Log
Year 2 Yearly Overview (jigsaw)
Year 2 Termly Curriculum Overview Grid
Important notices
REMINDER - Please remind your child that anything your child brings into school needs to be their responsibility and should stay in their bag/drawer until it is required in the lesson.
Useful Links:
Here is some key information:
- P.E. days are Monday (AM) and Wednesday (PM). Children are able to come into school in their PE kit.
- The children will change their reading books weekly on a Tuesday.
- Ensure all uniform is named with your child's name and class.
- Please send your child in daily with a named water bottle. .