What is The Junior Leadership Team?
The Junior Leadership Team is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and work together to improve their school, the community and the world. We follow a democratic process to elect the Junior Leaders. If they wish to become a Junior Leader, the pupils must give a short speech to their class and, when appropriate, a wider audience. A democratic vote then takes place and 2 children are elected from each Year 4 class. Our Junior Leadership Team must model our school values at all times.
As part of the Junior Leadership Team, children will support the Governing Body, Head teacher, teachers and all other members of staff to find ways of improving the school experience for all pupils. The JLT are the representative of all pupils to enable them to have a say in improving their own education and developing new ideas for the future.
The Junior Leadership Team meet staff regularly and discuss issues that are important to the children. They have an agenda, which they create, and a member of the JLT takes the minutes and another chairs the meeting.
What do the Junior Leadership Team do?
At Crown Meadow , the Junior Leadership team consists of a Head Boy and Head Girl, who are children in Year 4.
Their role has developed to include taking part in monitoring children's learning by accompanying the leadership team to look for evidence of good learning attitudes around the school. They have been involved in interviewing ne staff. They also interview the Chair of Governors and head teacher as part of their work on school leadership.