School Opening Hours
Gates open 8:40am
Start of school 8:50am
Gates open 3:00pm
End of day 3:20pm
A typical week therefore is 32.5 hours.
At the beginning of the school day, the gates are open at 8.40am, and children can enter school from 8.40am to 8.50am
Children should not be left on the playground before this time as there is no available supervision. School staff will be outside, by the EYFS fence and the KS1 playground, in order to welcome families and answer any questions. Teachers will open classroom doors at 8.40am to welcome pupils in. Children are encouraged to say goodbye to parents at the EYFS - KS1 playground, any messages can be given to the adults on gate duty.
Registers are formally taken at 8.55am. After this time pupils will be marked as late arrivals, door will be shut and children will need to enter via the main entrance.
At the end of the day, parents are able to enter the playground from 3.00pm. Class teachers dismiss the children from the class door at 3.20pm to the parents waiting in their own playground.
If parents are going to be late, or someone different is to collect a child, please would parents notify the school office. Without this permission the children will have to wait with their teacher whilst we phone parents to identify who the unknown adult is, even if children know them, as we also need to be comfortable that it is the parent's choice for their child to go with the adult.
Children must be collected by people over 16 years old.